The book "Grow or Die" - Online download.

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ch.1 Fruit

ch.1 Fruit

ch 2 Flowing River

ch 2 Flowing River

ch 3 Prisoners

ch 3 Prisoners

ch 4 Who God is

ch 4 Who God is

ch 5 Sit

ch 5 Sit

ch 6 Walk

ch 6 Walk

ch 7 Stand

ch 7 Stand

ch 8-9 Power-The Cross

ch 8 Power-The Cross

ch 10 Power -Deliverance

ch 9 Power-The Cross

ch 11 Power -Holy Spirit

ch 10 Power -Deliverance

More ISOB lessons

ch 11 Power -Holy Spirit

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Learn to transform every evil and desperate circumstance into victory. It matters not how low you have been or how poor you are. You can be used by God to transform the "ashes of your life" into a thing of beauty for His glory!

"Grow or Die" is an easy to understand foundation for growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and living in the Kingdom of God. It has been written as a result of years of experience by the author living in absolute dependence on Jesus.

The Blood Covenant is the basis for our relationship with God. Understanding the Blood Covenant will set us free from bondages. It will make us aware of the blessing of righteousness. It will cause us to overcome difficult circumstances and it will provide a deep level of intimacy with Jesus.


The Lord has provided a means for His provisions for our life. It not only provides all of our needs, love, security and significance, but it glorifies Him because it comes through the fruit bearing process which I call spiritual agriculture. ""By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples" (John 15:8).

 Grow or Die - Seminar Series

by Larry Chkoreff


ISOB - Grow or Die-Seminar Series - ver. 5.7


First Printing - March, 1999 - version 5.5

Second printing - August, 1999 version 5.6

Third printing, 2002 version 5.7 - French




Grow or Die is published by and is a discipleship curriculum of the International School of the Bible, Marietta, GA USA

Email address

ISBN # 0-9676731-3-5


This book is the sole property of ISOB. It may be reproduced freely, but only in its entirety for circulation as "freeware," without charge, and only with the advance consent of the author. It may not be altered or edited in any way. All reproductions of this book must contain the copyright notice ("Copyright (C) 2000 by ISOB.").

This book may not be used without the permission of ISOB for resale or the enhancement of any other product sold.



Dear Reader:


After passionately following Jesus since 1979, He has commissioned me to document the process that He has taken me through time and time again. While there are no short cuts in bearing fruit, or in developing your relationship with Jesus, and there are many things that you just experience for yourself, there are principles that I have learned that could take years of pain and discouragement off of your life.

This book contains a short version of Grow or Die called the "Seminar Series." It consists of two seminars. The first seminar (Section 1) consists of the seven "lead lessons." The second seminar (Section 2) consists of four follow up lessons. These 11 lessons are extracted from the full Grow or die course that consists of over 100 lessons.

The entire Grow or Die course is available for individuals and/or groups for discipleship.

Some groups have organized into ISOB mentoring schools (in several countries around the world). Some groups are using the materials for group study as they meet. Individuals are doing self-study in many cases.

Others have seen the Lord start a church-planting ministry as a result of leaders being built up and bearing fruit through this curriculum.

Grow or Die is currently being presented as a seminar for Gospel workers in several countries. The seminars range from 4 hours to 14 hours.

ISOB does not charge for any of its materials beyond the costs of reproduction. The lessons are available on CD ROM for Windows and Macintosh computers at a nominal cost.


We bless you in your adventure with Jesus,


Larry Chkoreff


International School of The Bible - 1999




This book is dedicated to my best friend,

My precious and godly wife Carol, who for years has

encouraged me to write these lessons,

and finally to assemble them in book form.



This prayer is declared over every person who reads this book.


The Cross. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for the victory of your Cross. Thank you that we were crucified with you.


Hell. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for going into Hell for us and suffering death for us.


Resurrection. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, that you were raised from the dead, and that we were raised with you and are seated with you in Heavenly places in Christ.


In-filling. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for filling us with the Holy Spirit.


Suffering. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for considering us worthy to share in the fellowship of your sufferings.


Triumph. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for the triumph that you promise us in this life and in eternity.



























