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Last week's lesson on audio

The Almond Tree


Does it ever seem like God is not honoring His Word in your life? Take a lesson from the Almond Tree.


Actually God is staring at our will to see if we are going to choose Him. God is also staring at His Word to perform it.


Jeremiah 1:11-12 says, "Moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying, Jeremiah, what do you see? And I said, I see a branch or shoot of an almond tree [of alertness and activity blossoming in late winter]. Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active watching over My word to perform it" (Emphasis taken from Amplified Bible).


Once you use your will to decide to believe God’s Word about something, He is there to perform it, even if it means that you may have to wait, like He told Jeremiah.


The almond tree was very strange and unlike most trees, it budded and blossomed in late winter when everyone thought things were darkest and impossible. Praise God!


Larry Chkoreff July 2001