Who God is

119. Angels: God’s Heavenly Messengers

Angel Fact Sheet


Pastor Mark Walker – December 17, 2000


Why the Craze?

·           Fad

·           Spiritual vacuum

·           Sign of continuous rebellion

·           Wake-up call to the church


What are Angels?

·           Creations of God – Colossians 1:16

·           Holy in nature – Mark 8:38

·           Celestial in being – Luke 2:9, 13-14

·           More powerful than man, less powerful than God – 2 Peter 2:11; Psalm 103:20

·           Intelligent – 1 Peter 1:12

·           Emotional – Luke 15:10

·           Capable of choice – Ezekiel 28:11-17; Revelation 12:9


What Do Angels Do?

·           Minister to God’s people – Hebrews 1:14

·           Serve as messengers of God – Luke 2:10-12

·           Deliver people from danger – Daniel 6:22

·           Administer God’s judgment – Revelation 5:11-12


What Angels of God Are Not:

·           Divinity to be worshipped

·           Human dead spirits

·           Glorified human beings

·           Personal spiritual guides


What Angels of God Will Not Do:

·           Preach a gospel other than Christ’s – Galatians 1:8

·           Demand or receive worship – Revelation 22:8-9

·           Act on own power and will – Jude 9

·           Appear as an animal (no Biblical account)


How Do They Relate To Us?

·           They minister to us – Hebrews 1:14

·           They want to understand redemption – 1 Peter 1:12

·           They observe the affairs of the redeemed – 1 Corinthians 4:9

·           They gain better understanding of God’s wisdom as it is displayed through the church – Ephesians 3:9-10

·           They know when one is saved and rejoice – Luke 15:10

·           They will be judged by us – 1 Corinthians 6:3

·           They are fellow servants of God – Revelation 22:9


What Do We Do in the Craze?

·           Thank God for His ministering angels

·           Admire angels for who they are and what they do

·           Recognize the counterfeits (know the truth)

·           Seek God, not Gabriel (seek the Creator, not the created)