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How ISOB works.

1. What are the needs?

We need the Word and the Holy Spirit to make Jesus real to us (click for lesson)

We need the presence of God, not just at church, but in our daily lives (click for lesson).

We need God and His Word to cleanse us and disciple us. We need a practical method for taking up our cross daily and following Him.

We need the Word knowledge in order to overcome major difficulties that will come to us in this life.

We need relationships with others in the Body of Christ; as mentors and students.

We need to reach a dying world; to allow the presence of God to flow from us to other people.

We need to bring a clear, simple, concise teaching to the millions of people who are being saved around the world daily. They need to know the truth so that they may grow and not be defeated.

2. What ISOB is.

ISOB is a simple method of discipleship for people who are hungry for God! "Grow or Die" and "Be Real with God" are short courses. For those who wish to continue, there is a two year, 100 lesson extended "Grow or Die Course." These lessons are available without any copyright fees. There are also several online Bible studies to choose from.

It is a method for training disciples and ministers for the Great Commission.

It is a method of coming into God's presence for yourself.

It is God's method for The Word and The Holy Spirit to become your Teacher.

It is a method of learning how to take in the Word of God for yourself.

Getting more of the Word is not just a matter of discipline to read your Bible more. ISOB will give you an effective system to make the Word of God more relevant and exciting.

The whole idea is to allow people who cannot afford to go to Bible School become disciples and leaders. It is a very economical way to grow in the Lord. It can be done in the home, church or any other location that the Lord would provide. The Scriptures that the Lord has started this work with are :

The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it (Psalms 68:11).

1. ISOB works as a Home Bible Study. The leader simply has a weekly meeting place and goes through each ISOB lesson in order. There may be time for questions and open discussion. The leader does not need to be a Bible teacher, just a facilitator. Each student takes turns reading a paragraph or two. The facilitator leads the group in discussion. The leader may or may not have the students fill out a feedback form. Go to "Download Lessons" and begin to download the lessons according to the instructions on that page. Click here to send email in order to register your ISOB Home Bible Study Group and receive instructions. There are also several online Bible studies to choose from.

2. ISOB works as a Ps.68:11 Bible School Many churches and groups of believers have come together for an ISOB Bible education. Many of these people have been victims of war, poverty, corruption in the government and in organized churches, and remote locations. ISOB leaders have come to these people with a two to seven day seminar based upon the Grow or Die series. Interested parities have enrolled in the two year full course. All of this is provided without cost. This curriculum is not designed like many Bible schools. It is a very practical approach to a personal relationship with Jesus and living in the Kingdom of God now.

There are many "Ps. 68:11 Bible school" locations some of which are in:

Liberia/Ivory Coast, Tanzania
South Africa Chad
Bolivia Sudan
Senegal Rwanda
Uganda Kenya
Eithopia Benin
Pakistan Burundi
Rwanda Congo
Unnamed Asian UnnamedLatin American



3. ISOB works as a self study course. All of the lessons are available on line or on CD ROM.

To start go to Download Grow or Die Lessons


4. ISOB can work as a "read-feedback" method which enlists the use of mentors. We feel that the mentoring system not only saves money and time, but it builds wonderful relationships with the mentor and the student.

a. The objective is be able to make copies of each lesson for each student so that they may take them home, read them there and bring back a report to the group meeting or to their mentor. With the ISOB materials being distributed for a nominal cost or even for free, each ISOB location is encouraged to allow each student to have his/her own lessons. After the student reads the chapter, they fill out a Student Feedback Form and turn it in to their mentor. The mentor does not have to be in attendance when the student reads his chapter and fills out his form. It is good to alternate lessons within the Sections of "Who God is," "Sit," "Walk" and "Stand." Do not do all of the "Who God is" lessons prior to starting in "Sit." Mix them up.

b. There should be one mentor for each 1 to 5 students. The mentor does not need to be a teacher or a Bible College graduate. The mentor should just be someone who is himself a disciple and is serious about reaching out in ministry. The point to remember here is that the Holy Spirit and the Word do the teaching, the mentor simply gives encouragement and support. If he can answer questions, fine, if not, do not worry about that. Please read the enclosed material about leadership and mentoring.

c. The mentor responds to the student by filling out a Mentor Feedback form. His response can also be on the Student Feedback Form,or in the form of notes; or he can write his feedback on plain paper. It would be good for the student to keep both his report and the mentor's feedback to him somewhere in a safe place where he can look at it in the future.

d. You may wish to have weekly or semi-monthly meetings with the mentors and the students in one place for fellowship and learning. Light Force meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday evening. In Ivory Coast, all of the students and mentors meet once a month for fellowship and testimony.

e. Sometimes mentoring can even be via Email or standard mail with people in different countries.


Instructions for taking course

Suggestions for following the ISOB curriculum:

All the lessons may be downloaded lessons page and utilized with Acrobat Reader. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click here.


1. Go through the first 10 lessons in the Grow or Die series, starting with "Fruit" and going through "Baptism in the Holy Spirit." Click here to go there.

2. Continue through the SIT, WALK and STAND categories.

3. We suggest that you do 2 WALK lessons for each SIT lesson, and 2 WALK lessons for each STAND lesson. This will give you a variety and since there are more WALK lessons, this will give you the chance to finish all categories at the same time.

4. Download the lesson you wish to study.

5. Read and study the lesson.

6. Fill out an ISOB Feedback Form (available on this page),

7. If possible find someone who you can respect as a mentor, and submit your Feedback form to them. We suggest only using the same gender (male/female) as your mentor.

8. Ask your mentor to give you his/her remarks.



Download forms:

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The following forms may help your Bible study:

PDF FORMAT: Student Feedback Form - Mentor Forms.

Online viewing and printing - HTML format - Student Feedback Form - Mentor Forms


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