Hey Larry,

While still fresh on my mind wanted to report in on first nights fruit!

Quotes from some of the eighteen in attendance:

"Wow! What a powerful time in the Lord! I can't wait till next week. Up till now I've always served God on a basis of do's and don'ts, can's and can'ts. For the first time in my life I really feel like God truly loves me and wants to fellowship with me, for me!"

"I have always prayed with my head and confessed with my mouth, tonight after being in the flowing river it moved to my heart."

"When Scott spoke on chapter one about fruit it dawned on me that I have lived a life based on legalism and moral goodness, which always led to never being good enough. I am free!"

"After reading chapters one and two, Fruit, and The Flowing River, it terrified me to see the limitless power of God and His desire to envelop me in His presence. At the same time it thrilled me to no end to relinquish control and dive in! I cannot wait until next week! God bless you Bro. Larry and thank you for being obedient and sharing these pearls."

From Pastor Bob Neal - "I feel new life being breathed into me, and my people!" Wow!

So many other comments were made but these stood out the most.

I as they, can't wait till next week!

God bless,

P.S. So much more to come!